Working Freelance...
Below are our articles on the subject of Working Freelance. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Advantages and Disadvantages of Freelance Work
There are many advantages and disadvantages to freelance work, though each may not apply to every worker. This article discusses commonly perceived advantages and…...
Are You Financially Ready to Freelance?
Deciding when to leave a steady job to freelance often depends in large part on a potential freelancer's financial situation. Answering this questionnaire will help…...
Building a Freelance Client Base
Building a freelance client base requires a lot of work. This article discusses marketing yourself, paying attention to your reputation, adding value, cooperating with…...
Business Plans for Freelance Workers
Many freelancers operate without business plans. This could be hurting their career as business plans help freelancers to lay out their goals, plot ways to meet their…...
Creating Your Freelance Portfolio
Selecting their best work, creating a physical portfolio and creating an online portfolio are all essential for modern freelancers....
Deciding to Freelance Full Time
Deciding to freelance full time is a momentous decision. This article discusses how potential full time freelancers can examine their client bases, current financial…...
Freelancing from Home
Freelancing from home requires commitment. This article discusses how setting up a dedicated workspace, working out a daily routine, ignoring the chores while working…...
Freelancing When you Have Children
Freelancing when you have children requires patience, dedication and flexibility. This article discusses working during school hours, employing childcare in the home…...
Home Office Basics for Freelance Workers
There are several items that are home office basics for freelance workers. This article discusses desks, computers, printers, Internet connections, telephone lines,…...
Leasing a Freelance Office
Leasing a freelance office is a personal decision. This article discusses the cost of the office, length of the lease, location of the office and privacy at the office…...
Sharing a Freelance Workspace
Sharing a workspace can be an incredibly successful arrangement if those involved enjoy the space and get along well with all who use it....
What Is Freelance Work?
“Freelance work” is a broad term that encompasses many types of workers, many types of jobs and many types of services. This article discusses how working as…...